What We Do

Strategic Plan Formulation
We work with clients to formulate a measurable and concrete course of action that links business with development, thereby giving them a competitive edge in engaging communities as well as meeting their Environmental, Social and Governance requirements.
Organisational Capacity Development
We set up Foundations, guiding them on the organizational and operational requirements, such as the legal frameworks that best serve their modes of registration, oversight and management structures and the origination of institutional policies. Where these exist, we work to augment our Client’s systems, structures, processes and people in order to optimize their operations, services and products for increased success.

Program Design and Implementation
We design and implement creative, scalable, replicable end-to-end programmes that form consortiums, pooling competencies and resources together to solve the most pressing socio-economic problems in Africa, such as youth unemployment, growth and sustainability of Corporates and MSMEs. In doing so, we embed innovations rooted in science and technology.
Proposal Writing and Fundraising
We originate proposals seeking to raise funds from donors, based on our client’s needs.

Research and Knowledge Banking
We design world-class research studies, get high-quality feedback from the target audiences, and quickly surface the insights that drive our Client’s programmatic goals.
Mid-term and Final Evaluations
We work with governments, donors and NGOs to monitor results, build on lessons learned and measure the impact of aid and development programmes.

Business Development Support Services
We provide enterprise support services to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises through an innovative mechanism that utilizes graduates drawn from universities, equipped with tools and deployed to the MSMEs for provision of essential business services such as accounting, legal and marketing.
Through this well curated programme, we recruit, up-skill, package and connect the youth of Africa to jobs abroad.